"The Capture The Flag (CTF) round within the campus interview serves as a dynamic platform for assessing participants' prowess in cybersecurity and problem-solving acumen. Crafted to mirror real-world security scenarios, this round presents contestants with an array of challenges spanning web security and network. The objective is for participants to unearth concealed flags or vulnerabilities concealed within the provided systems or applications, showcasing their ability to identify and mitigate cyber threats."

Qualification Criteria:

To qualify in the CTF round, candidates need to solve as many challenges as possbile. The minimum points to be accumlated to qualify for the next rounds is:
800 points in Web + Network Challenge

Please read the rules before you begin:

1. Attacking the web server is strictly prohibited and will get you disqualified.
2. Brute forcing flags on this platform is not allowed and will not lead to success.
3. Only individual users may register; teams are not permitted.
4. Posting flags in any channel is strictly prohibited.
5. The flag submission should be case sensitive and reasonably flexible.
6. IMPORTANT: Have fun!

Note: For JS_F challenge add prefix CBL_CTF{} to the flag you got.